Jolly Gel

- produces pool water so clean it's almost invisible!
Supercharge your filter . . . and DOUBLE its' useful life!
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Jolly Gel for totally transparent pool water

Jolly Gel - Filter Booster!

Each pack contains 4 'cubes' of Jolly Gel.
Ideal for use in sand-filterssand-filters with SilexSilex, ZeoliteZeolite or Glass filter media.
Produces water of incredible clarity and restores the 'sparkle' to swimming pools.
Jolly Gel has a new advanced formula - each 'cube' works for 3 weeks in a pool of up to 60m³ (15,850 US gallons).
It's inexpensive, non-toxic, easy to use and helps maximise chemical efficiency.



You'll be astonished at how effective Jolly Gel is!

Advantages - Jolly Gel more than pays for itself!

Jolly Gels' unique formulation traps even the tiniest particles, clarifying the water to
'camera-ready' standards, reduces back-washing, strips phosphates and reduces chlorine consumption                                                                  

So . . . .How does it work?

When Jolly Gel is wet it feels like the slipperiest thing imaginable but, at the microscopic level, it is 'sticky'!
Jolly Gel places a porous, glutinous membrane screen over the filter media, down to about 15cm (6") and fills
the spaces between the grains of media.
The 'sticky´ membrane catches the tiniest particles on contact, and holds them prisoner until the filter is back-washed.
After a short while the water will be so clean that it becomes practically invisible!
BackwashBackwash the filter after the first use of Jolly Gel for 24 hours, then return to your normal filtration timings. 
During the normal back-wash cycle the Jolly Gel membrane is flushed away to the drains and the next cube of Jolly Gel continues to trap tiny particles - making the pool water cleaner and cleaner!
NOTE: - It is only necessary to run the pump for 24 hours the first time Jolly Gel is used. Subsequent applications do not require this unless the pool has been allowed to get cloudy.                                                                             
Increases filter efficiency X 5.
Each 'cube' treats a pool of up to 60m³ (15,850 US Gallons) for 3 weeks.
Removes algae and fungal spores, pollen, bacteria, viruses and, unlike most other pool clarifiers, even strips phosphatesphosphates.
(Phosphates are algae food; less phosphates = much less chance of algae = less chlorine needed).

Reduces backwashing frequency to every 4-6 weeks instead of weekly.

Backwashing a sand-filter uses lots of costly water, and also wastes the chemicals and heat that are pumped out with that water.

Approx. annual saving of 40m³ (10500 US Gallons) of water in an average private pool.

Reduces chlorine consumption - and makes for a healthier pool for all the family.

These particles are much too small to be caught in a sand-filter and much too small to sink to the floor of the pool.

They are constantly recirculated around the pool and, as they pass through the sand-filter, they ERODE THE SAND because thay are exactly as hard as the sand they were chipped-off from.


After 3 years or so the erosion is so bad that all the sharp edges are worn away, the flat faces become pitted and the sand becomes ´rounded´. The filter is no longer capable of keeping the water clean; so the media must be changed.

This costs anything from $350 upwards, depending on the size of the filter.


When Jolly Gel is used the microscopic flaked-off particles of filter media are caught in the glutinous membrane, and flushed to the drains during a normal back-wash.


The result is that back-washing can be dramatically reduced to every 4-6 weeks instead of weekly.

Less frequent back-washing extends the life of the filter media - giving it at least DOUBLE the life, and often much longer.


The microparticles of flaked-off filter media also erode the coating of ruthenium and iridium (precious metals from the platinum group of metals) on the plates of a salt-water chlorinator cell (replacement costs are $700 to $1000!), the tip of a pH probe (replacement cost $80 to $150), etc., so removing microparticles with Jolly Gel will greatly extend the life of these items also.


How will I know if I have these ´invisible´filter-media microparticles in my pool?

Wait until it´s dark and then switch the pool lights on - if you can see a ´fan´of light - you have them!

Now use Jolly Gel for 24 hours and try again - they will be ALL GONE and you will not see a fan of light.

Your pool equipment will be starting out on its extended life, saving much more money than the cost of the Jolly Gel!


 Click here to watch a short videoClick here to watch a short video


Before-and-After.JPG - 194.22 kb

Do not freeze Jolly Gel and protect it from frost.


More Retail Distributors wanted throughout Spain and the Islands- please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details