Pool Safety Spain

Thanks for visiting us.

We are Importers and Suppliers of Jolly Gel.



To help you to make your own pool the safest place it can be we have written a  Pool Safety eBook - available for all platforms.

'The Pool Safety Bible' covers 30 different aspects of Pool and Water Safety in plain English - with no jargon

Click here for your copy. (Automatic translation: - many thanks to Google Translate)


Please advise other people who own or use a pool, or who live near or swim in, lakes, rivers or the sea, that they can download their own copy, too.

The Pool Safety Bible is risk-free - we won't be sending you emails trying to sell you other things (we don't even collect your email address).


Safety Statistics

There are a lot of pools in the world, lots of water, lots of swimmers - and lots of accidents.

Read some disturbing statistics here.